A supportive and loving community
where kids perform for kids
Young Performers Theatre Repertory provides children from elementary to high school age with an immersive experience in all aspects of theatrical production, culminating in performances on our Fort Mason main stage for an appreciative audience. YPT Repertory presents five adaptations of classic children’s stories in a season that runs from September into June, along with a production of a Shakespeare play featuring our older players.
YPT Repertory is a free service offered to dedicated young performers, while audiences receive a great entertainment value (admission is $15 in advance, $12 at the door).
While main stage productions feature mostly Repertory players, children who aren’t members of the Repertory company, at the discretion of the director, may be invited to join the cast of a show. Non-repertory players who gain experience in main stage productions may be asked to join the Rep company.
The program’s goal is to inspire a love of theatre in both our players and their audiences, as well as provide a welcoming, inclusive space for social group formation, where kids become comfortable letting their guard down and learning that they don’t have to be shy around people they don’t know.
Those wishing to experience the excitement of standing up and telling a story in front of people, or who want to be a character or just have fun and be the center of attention, get the chance to shine. The camaraderie and shared sense of purpose instill dedication and discipline, and participants develop coping, listening and language skills that last a lifetime. A repertory theatre environment teaches kids, perhaps better than any other extracurricular activity, how to take direction, complete difficult assignments on time and be reliable — all while still having a ball.
Madeline at the Circus, 2019
© Amal Bisharat Photography
Over time, our Repertory players notice themselves growing bolder and more confident offstage (in group projects and in making presentations at school, for example). And most importantly, YPT Repertory is a supportive and loving community where kids develop empathy and build relationships that become enduring friendships.
Typically, participation in a main stage show requires a six-week commitment. There’s one read-through, then two to three weeks of rehearsals (usually twice weekly) followed by performances on two or three consecutive weekends. See what’s on the boards at our Fort Mason main stage.
How to become eligible
To have the opportunity to join YPT Repertory, the child must be known to YPT staff members. This may be accomplished in various ways.
Participate in YPT Academy: This is the primary way that YPT finds members for its repertory. Children who distinguish themselves in classes may be offered a chance to participate in one of our shows, or a closed audition.
Open audition: On occasion, YPT will host auditions for open positions in individual shows. If offered a part in a show, and the child distinguishes him or herself during the show’s run, s/he may be asked to remain in the repertory program.
Invitation from a staff member: There are instances where we may extend an invitation without the child going through these other processes — for instance, through work with the child in a school setting, or work with a sibling.